St. Francis Way from Rimini to La Verna
Opened in 2013, St. Francis Way from Rimini to La Verna passes through some places visited by the saint in his journey to Valmarecchia in 1213
110 km / 98 km in Emilia-Romagna

Opened in 2013, St. Francis Way from Rimini to La Verna passes through some places visited by the saint in his journey to Valmarecchia in 1213, and winds along an itinerary lasting about five days walking from the Adriatic Sea over the Tuscan-Romagna Apennines along the charming Valley of the River Marecchia, still with its centuries –old woods, fortified towns, old parish churches and spectacular views.
The trail follows ancient road systems rejoining other trails of central Italy near La Verna and dedicated to the saint, creating a single national route that leads all the way to Rome.
The trail brings you to numerous convents, places of religious significance and peace. From the Convent of Minor Friars at Verucchio with the centuries-old cypress of St. Francis, to the monastery of St. Igne, built in 1244 in the wood at the foot of the cliff face of San Leo, to the convent of the Clarisse and Minor Friars at Sant’Agata Feltria. It passes through fortified towns steeped in history such as San Leo, the place where Count Orlando Catani gave Monte della Verna to Saint Francis.
The route joins St. Vicinius’ Way and St. Anthony’s Way.
St. Francis’ Way from Rimini to La Verna is listed in the Atlas of Paths of the Mibact.
Updates on the walkability of the route on the official website:
Before setting out, always consult the institutional websites of the individual Paths for up-to-date information.

Via del Poggio 30
Loiano 40050 (BO)
Via Evangelisti n. 4 Torre San Michele
Cervia 48015 (RA)
via Empoli 31
Riccione 47838 (RN)
viale Emilia 30
Cervia 48015 (RA)
Piazzale Fellini 3
Rimini 47921 (RN)
Via XX Settembre 171
Cervia 48015 (RA)

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